Wednesday, October 27, 2010

There is never a path to an unknown destination

                Someone told me that without goals there is no direction. Below included in this writing are a list of all my goals; short term. My daily decisions can then be influenced by whether or not the outcome of the decision will bring me closer or further away from my goals finally giving my young life some direction. So much can be learned by the successful people who carved their own path before us, so it is now my turn to derive some purpose for my life and head in the direction I want to go.
Short Term Goals:
Move into my Condo with Cam
I’ll do this by saving up my money, not spending it on useless shit (drinking, smoking weed) making smart, conscious decisions with ALL of my money.
Gain 10 pounds of muscle, lose my fat
Commit to working out with Cody every day after Jamesons (4x per week)
Go out three times per week and approach at minimum 3 sets per night
I’ll stay in set until they literally walk away or tell me to fuck off. I feel I’ll learn the most from sticking around and listening to them talk, consciously keeping notes in my head of how the interaction is going.
Keep a daily journal
I plan on writing a daily story about my day. This will give me loads of material to use in field and dynamically improve my storytelling ability. 500  word minimum for the first month
                Those are my short term goals in a nutshell. Looking at them right now I can tell my life is going to be very busy with little time for distraction. This means that I’m only going to hang out with girls on MY time, my nights out at the club. I  am going to live a very busy lifestyle, and if they can’t fit into it that’s they’re problem because I’m going to keep living my life. After all, I am a man with goals and ambitions and now a man with a sense of direction, where I want my life to go. The more I live my life with purpose the more attractive I will be to every female who meets me. This isn’t my daily journal this is my short term goals commitment to myself.
There is never a path to an unknown destination.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wednesday, October 20th: Dead Pidgeon Day!

            Today some old lady called the bar at 9 in the morning to tell us a pidgeon had died in the parking lot and said that I, as the bartender, was held personally responsible for the proper burial of this pidgeon. She reminded me of the crazy old lady off the movies, you know, the one that ‘causes shit because her husband died in Vietnam. I told the manager the story and he told me that I should go sweep the pidgeon into my dustpan and chuck it. Proper burial? Try relocated to under a tree. Dumb old coon. Onwards! The plan was to write a long post about all of the girls I'm currently gaming right now, break it down to see what I was doing right and wrong with them. After writing about one of them I realized that this was going to take much longer than expected. Nonetheless, the beginning of my journey. Enjoy.

HB8 I met at Vinyl. I was on that night, I just needed to get out of my head (which I successfully did) and I started talking to alot of people. I turned around and saw her walking by me. 

“Hey quick question, do you guys think this haircut makes me look like Mr. T?”

“Who’s that?”

“How the fuck do you not know who Mr. T is? He fucking rules! The A team, the commercials. You guys don’t look like girls that watch cool movies though. I’m thinking something really gay... like the Notebook or something.”

*Girls laugh*

“I was just about to go dance... you guys wanna dance with Mr. T?”

“Who’s that?”


I take her hand and lead her to the dance floor hand in hand. We grind together and I watch over her friend as creepy guys start hitting on her all over the place. She keeps hiding behind me and I tell her that this shit isn’t free, she owes me 5 dollars every time I save her from a creeper. Friend loves me and I didn’t know this at the time but actually convinced HB8 to give me her number. I spin HB8 around a couple times and she complies; keeps dancing with me. I finally go in for the makeout and she kisses me back. I tease her and back in and out, she loves it. Turns around and keeps dancing. I take out my phone and give it to her, she saves her number in it. I dance with her for a few more minutes than tell her I have to go find my friends. I walk away hoping to find Elektro, as these girls were down to fucking come home with us and I had no wingman at the time.
                I finally meet up with Elektro and he tells me that he has to leave (Fuuuuck), taking his student to Melrose. Oh well, I text her after I get out of the club and say:

Hey, I’m bouncing to Melrose. We should meet up!”

She texts me back half hour later

“didn’t even say bye!”

Texts me again

“youre fucking hot ;)”

                I end up taking this girls number to the next level, and I know it was because I called her when the frequency and intensity of the texting started to get serious. I called her and we talked on the phone for half an hour the first time setting an awesome vibe for all of our talks. I told her alot of stories that took two or three minutes to paint a solid picture and it opened her up to share stories with me. Near the end of the phone conversation I was actually doing alot more of the listening as I was the talking; as I had gotten her so comfortable with the idea of talking to me on the phone by being myself. Now I want to say that this is the first number that I’ve gotten from the club that has turned into something serious where we’re going to go on an adventure tomorrow for a dope Day 2 setting. I’ve gotten numbers from Day Game that have panned out and we’ve hung out for Day 2’s and had awesome times, even got a couple girlfriends out of it but club game is different... its harder... more intimidating. Its also alot more difficult to create the kind of emotional connection you need in order for her to meet up. A lesson learned from this set though; I stayed in set with these girls for a solid half an hour. This lead me to have enough of a connection with them that she responded to my first text; when they do that it’s already game over. I have sick enough text game that once they start they can’t stop. But I do have to say that this number is panning out SO well because I had the balls to call. I called her and we talked for a really long time. Was I nervous? Fuck no! I got the urge to call her suddenly and I just did it. I didn’t think of the lines I was going to use, the routines I was gonna pull on the phone. I got on the phone with her and had a fantastic conversation about my day and the events of it. She proceeded to tell me about her day and we met on a level where we were just two people catching up, nothing out of the ordinary. So I gotta say it, stop hiding behind your thumbs and fucking call! Difficult, yes. Fun, fuck yes. Worth it? No question, son. This is Gamble with another self realization... calling is beauty.

                General things to say for myself:

“Hey (humorous nickname, might even hook)”

”“Heyy. Whats up?”

“Alot! Just got home from work, on my way I saw this lady ...( story). How was your day?”

“Blahh blahh”

“No way! That sounds awesome. So I just got back from my friends house, and he landed me the hottest peppers in the world... (story)

This usually transitions into conversation. I’m going to have to start calling alot of fucking girls to see how this routine pans out in real time. I’ll go out tomorrow, motivated to get 10 or more numbers and I’ll call all 10 of them with intentions of getting them on the phone.