Effective time management. I've found my life being complicated by things which it shouldnt be. bad habits, irrational beliefs justified by ridiculious reasons which I had stoned into my brain. I recently caught onto my unconscious incompetence and promised myself I'd make it into a concious competence. This morning I woke up and wrote a list of goals for the day, how I would manage my time and the outcome of my time spent. This is my morning writing:
Effective time management
November 8 / 10
It is currently 8:22 AM. I went to bed at 10:30PM, giving me, effectively, until 7:00 to sleep for my full 8 hours including the time it takes to go to sleep. I set my alarm for 7, but I snoozed until 8am 10 minutes at a time. Analyzing the situation logically I wasted an entire hour of my day in bed when I didn't really need the sleep. My goal for tomorrow morning will be to wake up when my alarm goes off giving me my full 8 hours of sleep.
8:45 - 9:30 = Spent getting to work
9:30 - 5:30 = Working, earning my dollas. Effectively I shouldn't be searching to get off until around 5pm. This way I will increase the amount of tips I'm making simply by being there longer.
5:30 - 6 = Changing, walking to train station, getting to Golds Gym
6:15 - 7:30 = Working out at Golds, Leg day today
7:30 - 8 = Getting changed, walking to the train station
Arrive home at 8:30, come back and reflect on my plan for the day.
Always be thankful for what you have, not searching for what you don't. Be grateful for what you're given and never wish for more, hope for something else. In this world everything given is a luxury that we weren't born with and realisitcally we should be thankful for every good fortune that comes our way. There's alot of people out there that don't have the lifestyle that I do, but strongly desire it. I am living this lifestyle. I am a bartender with a selection of women to choose from who lives on the 7th floor of a brand new condo building in the heart of Downtown Calgary. My life could not be any better at this exact moment, and I'm extremely thankful for it. I'll commit to 1 hour a day of writing and the rest networking so I never lose my social skillset.
Looking back on the day this is how it was spent.
4:00 - Off work, headed to the gym.
4:30 to 6 - Worked out at the gym
6:00 to 7:00 - Headed home, bought shit for my place on the way home.
7:00 to 9:00 - Social networking
Which brings us to now. Today, right now, I am fuucking ripped. I love writing high though, my high is always so that it frees my mind. I just go, I dont think, I don't plan I just write. My fingers do most of the talking, realisitcally. I just sit back and enjoy the ride. What is the ride though, what are we living int oday. A society where everyone is antisocial, a state where it's bad to talk to strangers. Where everyone's a skeptic. But why, strangers are awesome? You say. But wait. Think of the only strangers that really talk to you in your everyday life. What are they talking to you for? Most of them come up with an alterior motive. They want to take some of your hard earned money, salesman, bums and girl guide scouts. No one normal comes up to you out of no where during the day just to say hi. What does this do? Conditions our mind that strangers are bad, that it's wrong to interact with people whom you have no social or work related connection. People that are outside of your network, who aren't in your current group of friends. What have you just done by making friends with that stranger and grabbing their number? You have just expanded your network. But no, not just your network. What about your best friend who you always invite along on your adventures? What have you done for him? Lets say you call your stranger. You guys talk for awhile, she really likes you. Stranger invites you to a party where all of her friends are gonna be at who you don't know yet. What have you just done for yourself? Expanded your network to everyone in that house party full of people you don't know. But what about your best friend? He always comes along with you. You've expanded his social circle too. How did all of this happen?
You talked to a stranger.
You went against the social norm, the unwritten law of our society that it's wrong to talk to strangers. Interact with everyone, everywhere you are. Even if there is nothing logically to be gained for yourself by talking to them, do it. If you cannot talk to the person sitting next to you on the train how will you talk to the girl you walked up to in a bar? If you can't hold a conversation with a co worker how can you hold a conversation with a stranger? This unwritten law that society has forced us to accept has kept us in our shell for too long, withholding the people we're supposed to be. Social butterflies, networking at every chance. Giving a sad stranger encouraging words, bidding an unknown human being "Good Morning," on your way out the door. Writing high is absolutely crazy. My motivation for the day was out the window until I chilled with Tina and Cam. Overall? My day was fantastic, I accomplished alot and got alot of shit done today. Productive shit, at work, after work, at the gym and on my way home. I left today with money in my pocket which I spent on good stuff. Overall Effective Time Management is on a roll, can't wait to start day 2.
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